Monday, April 14, 2008

Surprise Surprise

Well, Last Saturday was quite a surprising evening, not the least of which, is, that, we actualy pulled it off.

What a great night, considering, that by the middle of Saturday afternoon, I only had about two and a half groups sort of confirmed to play. About 7:00PM, while setting up, I was sure the whole thing was going to be a big bust, but, in the end, it all came together realy well.

Ovearall, we had 4 great bands out, starting with my good friend Paul Rooney and his brother Peter (or, Jak, still a bit confused there guys, help me out here EH!) Peter Paul and Mary, oops, that's Peter Paul and me (was having flashbacks to a different era there.) put on a great show (well, they did, I was just thumping bass for most of their set). They also brought along a great drummer, unfortunately, I don't remember his name right now, who did a spectacular job taping up the drums. didn't do too bad a job of playing those puppies either. Actualy, he did a great job, considering he had never played with any of us before, and, was pretty much unfamiliar with the material. Good job all round, thanks guys for coming out and saving my bacon. Also thanks to Peter, er, Jak, or, whatever the heck his name is for filling in (despite a very bad back. Just play through the pain Eh! OUCH, that HURTS) on drums for the other three bands as well, good job on that.

Next up was Hank and Julie, two of my favorite Oakville people, of Redman Live fame. As usual, they put on a very good show. For those that don't know, or haven't seen Redman Live, they are primarily a country duo, and, do both covers and their own material. Hank strums guitar and Julie plays piano. They both sing both lead and harmony equaly well, and, equaly beautifuly (well, Julie is much more beautifull than Hank, but, we won't got there Eh!) Thanks again guys, and, thanks for letting me play a few songs with you, I always enjoy that.

Third act of the night, was me and my buddy dave Taylor. Dave and I have been playing together semi regularily for about 5 years now, we actually started our semi regular Duo thing at the Pic when John Marlatt (of the Moonshine Cafe fame) first started the Saturday band nights at the Pic. Dave and I were also the nucleus of the much loved Buddy Love band, staring, well, Buddy Love of course. We had a rockin good time, Jak Peters of the aforementioned Peter Paul and Me band played some stellar drums for us (Way to go Jak, er, Peter. Oh! heck, I give up.) And, as a special treat, some stranger from the party in the back room jumped up on stage, and, played some really nice bass for us. I had a great time. Sometime about that time, I got Caked, Candelled and Carded by persons as yet unamed. They seemed to think it was my birthday or sumthin. I don't know where people get these silly ideas. But, thanks anyway. It sure was a surprise.

And, last but not least, the one, the only, the band, that is slightly out of step with the rest of the world, the band you wouldn't want your sister to mary, the band that brings new meaning to the word Barnyard (don't ask, I just write this stuff, don't expect me to explain it) the band whose lead singer needs to loosen up a bit and stop being so shy and introverted on stage, the band, who's paroll officer is on call 24-7, and, last but not least, the band that the Pic couldn't live without, The Tornado Targets YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY (screamed in your favorite Kermit the Fog voice). Seams like the Targets have been around as long as dirt, or, maybe they just don't wash often enough, I don't know, but, you gotta love these guys. They have a deffinate idiosynchratic and, strangely eclectic charm. They deffinately play music like nobody else on THIS planet. That's for sure. Anyway, thanks for coming out and doing a fine set, and, always a treat to play with you guys.

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