Well, that was an interesting evening, sort of. Didn't have much luck getting a schedule together last week, despite a lot of hard effort. As of seven o'clock, while setting up, I had only one band confirmed, plus a single act for a few opening songs.
A big thanks to Sharif for coming out, sorry we didn't get you up. Will definately fix that for this Saturday coming up.
Luckily, or, maybe more likely because of, the hockey game was on, and, Joe wanted to hear that anyway. I wasn't sure whether my buddy dave would show up, as, he has been fighting a recuring cold/Flu/virus thingy. He did make it, and, we waited for the hockey game to end. I'm not sure who got the last touchdown, or, if anybody got a home run, but, there seemed to be a lot of cheering going on every now and then.
Anyway, about the time the game was finishing, my good friend Julie and, her friend showed up (sorry, I have forgotten her name). They were on a trip to Burlington to see another band, but, stayed about half an hour, and, caught part of our set. Without them, we would have been playing for ourselves and the staff. Did I say it was a quiet evening????? In any event, we didn't get the first tune played till about 10:30 I think.
Shortly after the girls headed off for their night of fun and frivolity, Julie's good friend Mark the Harp (He plays harmonica, what can I say) showed up with another friend of thiers, Mike (man, this is starting to sound like Soap Eh! I switched from banjo to Electric guitar, and, Mark joined us for a few tunes on harp. Mark also happens to be about 1/3rd of the Tornado Targets, who, were a bit of a no show. I say about a 1/3rd, because, you just never know how many Targets there are going to be. I'm lucky enough to be counted in as an Associate Target (well, I've been a bit of a target all my life, haven't I), and, have been known to sit in on Bass, Banjo, or, Guitar on various occasions.
About this time, The Diamond Effect started to roll in, plus, a few actual patrons, Dave and I played about another half hour, and, then we started getting Julia's band set up and ready to rock and roll. Last time they were here, they had just lost their Bass player, and, I filled in for them, but, this time they were breaking in a new Bass player, and, a fine job he did too. The band put on another great set, and, tried out a few new songs together. Good job guys, you too Julia.
Anyway, not our most productive night for sure, but, a good time was had by those that did show up. Now, off to bed for me, and work on this coming Saturday's schedule. Better days ahead as they say.
Oh! almost forgot to mention my good buddy Chris Womak, fresh out of Recording School dropped by and gave us a bit of a hand with sound, plus, was kind enough to play some drums for dave and myself. Thanks Chris.
And, don't forget to come out for a show on May 3rd, put on by Chris and Paul. I think it's Chris's birthday bash actually.
And, a special thanks to John Marlatt of the Moonshine Cafe for his help in providing the Mikes, and speakers, and, a few other bits of miscelanious PA gear, and, to Gear Music for providing the main PA board, and the Drum kit that we so use and abuse (did I say that???? Just kidding Dave)
Wow, I don't believe I got the whole thing done in one go.
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