Well, considering we only had 3 groups last Saturday, I think the night went very well indeed. With a bit of carefull planning and crafty use of resources, we managed to get throught the night ok. Start a little late, stretch everybodies sets, and finish a bit early, works every time Eh!
A greatfull thanks to Wendy Hugh and Neil, for coming out on such short notice, and, putting on a great first set. In fact, they showed up on such short notice, they didn't even have a name for their group. They made one up just before getting on stage, but, durned if I can remember what it is. Oh well, I'm sure we will all find out in another segment of As the Music Turns. Anyway, they put on a really great set of mostly Folk Style music. Deffinately hope to see them back sometime soon, if only to find out what their new group name is.
Always a great pleasure to have Carrie Lynn and the Flamingo man (AKA Lawrence [ and, to find out what THAT's all about, you'll have to come out and catch their show]) out for a second time Carrie and Flamin..... er, I mean Lawrence always put on a great show. Two great and complimentary guitar styles, with Carrie playing some nice Bass on some numbers, and supperb lead and harmony vocals, not mention some great songwriting, adds up to show well worth catching. Plus, a surprise treat at the end of their show with a special performance from one of my favorite Thespians, Heather Ginzel. Heather, did a great job of one of my favorite songs from Patsy Cline, Walkin After Midnight. I might add, that Heather is a member of Carrie an Lawrence's other musical undertaking, a Band called Big Love, which, also includes Lawrence's sister Julie DeMaeyer (sure hope I got all that right, and, my appologies if I didn't.)
Big Love, is deffinately one of Ontario's absolute must see's. These guys, well, mostly Gals actually, put on one of the best and tightest vocal harmony performances you will ever see, terrificaly tight musicianship, and, wonderfully crafted songwriting. You just won't find anything better anywhere. Sadly, right now, they are taking a bit of a break from performing as a whole band, but, hopefully, will be back performing together at a concert venue near you. I sure hope so.
And, last but certainly not least, a big Pic a Deli round of applause to the newest band @ the Pic, The Diamond Effect. Julia Lisetto and, er, ummm, four other guys (Sorry, but, I seem to have forgot their names. My bad) , well, actualy, three other guys, and me, as, their Bass player pulled a no show, and, I filled in on Bass. The band does a mixed bag of Classic Rock covers in a very tastefull and expressive style. Great vocals and real good playing (well, except for the Bass player [me] messing up every now and then) make this a band to catch in the future. I hope to have them out again real soon.
For more information or, to get booked on our schedule, please contact me at bwamusic@gmail.com
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